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Getting setup with Cuckoo
What happens on the day of the installation?
What happens on the day of the installation?
Updated over a week ago

When the day arrives, you'll get an email from us, asking you look out your eero and to download the eero app and set up an eero account. You can find more info on this in our Downloading your eero app article.

You'll be contacted by our engineer to advise that they are on their way.

Once the engineer is on site, they'll introduce themselves and provide ID and talk you through the process before they begin.

Depending on how we've built our new network in your area, we'll bring the connection to your home either overhead using a nearby telegraph pole, or underground by digging a narrow channel up to your access wall. The team will agree the most effective route possible.

We'll then connect your home by putting a new connection box on the outside of your home, and a smaller one on the inside of your home where it won't get in the way.

When your home is connected, the team will carry out several quality tests to confirm your new fibre broadband works.

From start to finish, the install can take between 2 and 3 hours.

You should then receive another email from us to say that the installation has been successful and that your line is active. Then it's time to begin Setting up your eero network. If you have any questions, contact us.

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